On Thursday (21/6) PT Martina Berto Tbk Public
Stakeholder Meeting Year Book 2018 has successfully held. Led by the
Board of Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk Brian Tilaar, Samuel Pranata,
Kunto Widarto, Iwan Herwanto and Independent Commissioner Tjan Hong
Tjhiang, this annual meeting attended by more than a half of
At this meeting, PT Martina Berto Tbk reporting
its focus on efficiency strategy in all aspects to optimize better
result in the next year. “Some strategic policies taken by the company
including operational cost effeciency, increasing goods production, and
efficiently creating production strategy,” said Brian. According to him,
cosmetic industry will still have good prospect in the future,
therefore company optimist to increase its bussines growth.
only efficiency strategy, PT Martina Berto Tbk also strengthen its
network through collaborations with other companies, one of those is
Bluebird Indonesia. Although this collaboration was established between
different industries, our company remain focus on values that is in
accordance with the company.
Source : http://www.marthatilaargroup.com/detail/id/460/rups-tahun-buku-2018-pt-martina-berto-tbk
Local Wisdom Go Global
To be one of the world’s leading companies in cosmetics and spa industry with natural nuances and eastern values through product innovation and modern technology to optimize added value to stakeholders
Short Term Objective
To be Top 3 in Indonesian cosmetics and spa industry
Medium Term Objective
To be one of Asia Pacific players in cosmetics and spa industry